Improvising melodies based on poems (Beg/Int/Adv)
Using Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata" as a model (Int/Adv)
A lesson on melodic embellishment from Mozart himself! (Int/Adv)
Embellishing a Mozart melody (Int/Adv)
Improvising on Chopin's Prelude in Em (Int/Adv)
Adapting hymns to the piano: "Ode To Joy" (Int/Adv)
Extending Bach's fugue themes (Part 1) (Int/Adv)
Extending Bach's fugue themes (Part 2) (Int/Adv)
A repeating chord progression from Purcell's "Dido's Lament" (Int/Adv)
Creating your own chord progressions (Part 1) (Beg/Int/Adv)
Improvising on Bach's "Musical Offering" (Part 1) (Int/Adv)