Using Gregorian Chant as a model for improvisation (Beg/Int)
More flowing melodic lines (Beg/Int)
Changing modes smoothly (Int)
"Alleluia" with shifting pedal tones (Int)
Counterpoint between the hands (Int/Adv)
Using a predetermined chord progression (Int/Adv)
Creating chord progressions with secondary dominants (Int/Adv)
Melodic embellishment on the hymn, "Our God, Our Help In Ages Past" (Int/Adv)
Melodic improv over a hymn's chords (Int/Adv)
'Singing' a Psalm on the keyboard (Int/Adv)
Harmonizing a melody with 4ths (Int/Adv)
Note-against-note counterpoint (Int/Adv)
Free counterpoint (Int/Adv)
Combining techniques from Lessons 1-13 (Int/Adv)
How to keep a hymn interesting for yourself (and your listeners) (Int/Adv)