Since having a healthy mental attitude is such a big part of playing piano, I thought I’d share a perspective with you today that no one really talks about very often. If you can embrace this, you’ll be a happier pianist and play at a consistently higher level as well. Here it goes:
Have you ever sat down to play piano and found yourself frustrated because you played better “yesterday?” Or that the music seemed to flow much easier the last time you played?
Well, here’s the “secret:” It happens to the greatest players in the world too! (Congratulations – you’re in good company!)
Now, since it happens to everyone, the big question now becomes: “What are you going to do about it?”
Unhappy piano players, whether they are beginners or world-class professionals, let themselves become frustrated and bemoan the fact that they can’t recreate the effortless, joyful feeling they felt at a previous time.
Happy piano players, on the other hand, realize that this is simply an unavoidable fact of life and they have learned how to “let go” of yesterday’s mountain and begin climbing a new one today.
That’s it: just smile and move on. In fact, that’s not only all we can do, it’s a huge opportunity. We learn how to adapt, start over, and find something new. Every wonderous day.
This happened to me recently when I was practicing the jazz standard Dearly Beloved for my Journey Through The Real Book video series, and I’m smiling right now as I think about it. Because I almost got caught in the trap of fruitlessly trying to recreate yesterday’s magic at the expense of today’s miracle. (This concept is as true when playing written music as it is when improvising, btw.)
The day before I made the video, I reached new heights of improvising over the quasi-modal harmonies in the tune’s ‘A’ sections. My improvisation was flowing effortlessly and it felt and sounded like a cross between Gil Evans “Moondreams” and the end of Stravinsky’s Symphony of Psalms. Pure bliss!
Fast-forward 24 hours to when I sat down to make the video and of course I had expectations of the same thing happening again.
But…no such luck!
The music still sounded OK, but it felt nothing like the day before. Luckily, this has happened to me thousands of times before so I knew exactly what to trust. I took a deep breath and started over. Listening to the melody. Experimenting with chord voicings. Following the flow of the music and building upon that.
Soon, it began to sound good again, although different from the day before. And this is exactly the point: it’s today’s music, not yesterday’s.
We don’t hear people talk about this kind of thing very much, but I actually read an interview with Herbie Hancock the other day where he mentions something very similar. Herbie was recalling the famed Live At The Plugged Nickel recordings he had dome with Miles Davis in 1965. He recalled that although saxophonist Wayne Shorter played extremely well at those live performances, Herbie himself didn’t have a particularly good week. But he said something along the lines of “that’s all right, because I was searching.”
Maybe Herbie Hancock is Herbie Hancock not just because he’s a highly accomplished pianist, because there are in fact thousands of highly accomplished pianists out there who we’ve never heard of. Instead, maybe Herbie Hancock is Herbie Hancock precisely because he doesn’t get upset when he’s not playing at his peak. He’s willing to let all of that go and start over, searching for where the music will bring him today, while not trying to recreate yesterday’s musical triumphs.
The interesting thing is that when I watched my video of Dearly Beloved, I realized that it sounds fine. All of my worries were in my imagination, and once I got down to the business of playing music instead of playing memories, I began playing the piano as we deserve to play it. Today.
If you’re interested, you can hear what I’m referring to here:
Dearly Beloved: Journey Through The Real Book #85
Learn the 5 Essential Left Hand Techniques with my free ebook: Left Hand Techniques for Jazz Piano
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