Recipe number 1:
Take a strong Lutheran hymn-singing tradition,
Add the flowering of linear counterpoint.
Simmer in a socio-religious environment that demanded new church music composed on a weekly basis and you get J.S. Bach and the high Baroque style.
Recipe number 2:
Take peoples from an unusually wide variety of cultures living in a city of trade and commerce,
Add unexpected and brutal repression of certain of those ethnic groups.
Boil in a social scene that required live music on a daily basis for dancing, parades, and general entertainment and you get Jelly Roll Morton and the birth of Jazz.
Recipe number 3:
Take a musically hungry post-war society that was still recovering from great suffering,
Add an earnest but not-always-successful attempt to copy American Rock and Roll and Blues music.
Sauté in a wildly enthusiastic youth environment and you get The British Invasion.
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