The Beatles have been on my mind all week, so I thought I’d share some of the things I’ve been excited about so you can check them out too.
The big news is that Giles Martin, son of Beatles producer George Martin, has remastered the Beatles White Album. He’s included bonus tracks that were left off the original album, some outtakes, and something I’ve been waiting year for: the acoustic demos of many of the songs.
As much as I love the White Album, I miss the spirit of joy and optimism that’s heard on these demos, which were recorded at George Harrisons home. Many of the songs were written at a meditation retreat in India, and there’s a playfulness that didn’t quite make it onto the finished product, as great as it is.
You can read more about the new edition here:
The Beatles White Album: Remastered and expanded
Check out the difference between the versions of Back In The U.S.S.R. I had fun hearing how the demo doesn’t have the Beach Boys-like harmonies during the bridge. This takes us back to the creation of the song, before they started polishing it. (That Beach Boys section, btw, is an example of some of the “fun” actually getting onto the album itself. I wish more of it did!)
Back In The U.S.S.R. (electric)
Back In The U.S.S.R (acoustic demo)
And to inspire your piano playing, here’s my improvisation on one of the White Album’s best songs, John Lennon’s tender “Julia.”
Julia: Piano Improv Cover
Have fun checking these out, and good luck with your playing!